Meet our Cows
Scottish Highland cows are a leaner animal than what you find in your local grocery store or butcher shop. The harvested meat is 97% lean, and while smaller in stature than your Angus cattle, it is superior in flavor, tenderness and cooking. Highland cattle are one of the oldest cattle breeds alive today, and thrive in our cold NY winters since they were bred to survive on the Atlantic coast of Scotland.
Our cattle are grass-fed year round on a mixture of grasses and alfalfa produced here on the farm or in fields we have acquired within a 10 mile radius, and have more than 20 acres on which to roam and graze. Scottish highland cows are beautiful, docile animals with longer hair and have two large horns. One of Our cows were featured on the cover of Edible Finger Lakes in Fall of 2022 for an article written about our farm.